

Christopher John Rogers: AW25

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Colour was on the menu for Christopher John Rogers this AW25 season. After taking a two-year break from the hectic and oftentimes thankless (at least for smaller brands) practice of putting on a runway show, Rogers returned with a recognisable, well-assured confidence. Articulated in the gamut of colours – indigo, coral and chartreuse to name a few – that swished down his Brooklyn Navy Yard’s Agger Fish Building runway, fabric-heavy silhouettes were the perfect tool to hammer the message home: Christopher John Rogers is back and better.

Skirts plumed at both hips and hems, while peplum tops and boxy, ankle-grazing coats were sprinkled in throughout – much to the glee, I’m sure, of the cosmopolitan customer who loves to make a statement. It was a lovely sight to see Rogers’ recognisable stripes, swollen, slivery and everything in between, stretched across Japanese cotton and silk taffeta that was scrunched, swishing and folded in every which way possible. As far as comebacks go, this one was a knockout.