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Fresh from the re opening of the magnificently minimal Via Manzoni store in the heart of Milan we trekked to the Teatro Armani to enjoy what Mr Armani does best - soft fluid tailoring with the kind of lightness that elevates everything to effortless, like a giant fashion exhale.

The collection called “Future Perfect” explored a world of gender with a mix of women will be tomboys and boys who will be anything they want to be. No surprises there. But this is the sweet spot. Nothing to beat an Armani suit. Ultra light dresses flowed, a good shirt and tie resonated, in natural down to earth colours and the best inky black too.

Designers in Milan are looking to the future and exploring freedom of expression right now as we approach the midway mark of the 2020s. In five years gender, race, size and now social media have all been challenged and interrogated. The patient has a pulse. Mr Armani’s team all massed at the end of the finale taking a bow with the 90 year old legend who must have a biometric age of 50. This is the good life.