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A fashion week party is always necessary and Michael Lo Sordo planned to throw the party of the year by creating his own club. We like his style. Inside Machine Hall, the music was pumping, the champagne was spilling and the party goers came down the runway in slinky silver mini dresses, black lace, leather and full length sleek gowns. We spoke to the designer about creating Le Club Lo Sordo:

Party musts?

Champagne, caviar and a killer DJ.

Who’s on your party playlist?

I’m obsessed with Belgian musician Charlotte Adigéry. I have her on repeat.

Best club you’ve ever been to?

Castel nightclub in Paris during fashion week. Tilda Swinton winked at me during a moment on the dance floor.

Who would you love to go clubbing with?

Circa 2003, living a simple life with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie.

Dream girl to wear this collection?

HARI NEF is my dream.

Do you have a favourite look?

It’s hard to pick just one, as the collection is looked at as a wardrobe for the MLS customer. However  the one dress that took my breath away was the final look: a maxi chainmail dress on my muse, Mana Mackay. The walk, the sex, and the attitude was 100% what MLS stands for.

Favourite movie club scene?

Scarface (1983) with Michelle Pfeiffer – dream.

When did you come up with the idea of Le Club Lo Sordo?

The name came about from the idea of how we could top last year's 10th-anniversary show. The first thing that came to mind was that if last year was the show to end all shows, then this needs to be the afterparty follow-up to conclude the night.

What was your biggest challenge creating this collection?

Like every collection, we start from one single reference point and build the foundation of the collection from then on. The biggest struggle, I would say, was editing. We had so many concepts running, it was hard to narrow down. Some things never see the light of day and end up in the archives, which seems crazy.

What’s next?

It’s such an exciting time, even though we are 10 years in. I feel like we are just getting started. We have recently launched into beauty with our first product launching -  a trio of Body Oils body oils: LA LUNA, IL SOLE & L’ECLISSI, which perfectly compliment the MLS wardrobe. All of the radiant skin on the catwalk was from this product!

Photography: Aidan Ouma-Machio
Joel Lumbroso