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Heartbreak High is our ultimate ’90’s inspired blockbuster right now, and Gemma Chua-Tran is the one we’re watching. The Australian actress shines in her role as Sasha with her epic pink hair and great attitude. Photographed by Kai Lao, Gemma plays up for 10, exploring nostalgia and nineties grunge - a few of our favourite things. We spoke to Gemma about the Heartbreak High experience and what’s next:

We love you in Heartbreak High and we just heard it’s been renewed for a second season! How are you feeling?

“I’m so very excited for another season! It’s so heartwarming to know that the stories in Heartbreak High have resonated with so many people, I’m keen to see what happens to all of our characters. And of course, to work with everyone again!”

Before we get into it, give us the Gemma lowdown. Where were you born and raised? When did you begin acting? Tell us about your journey so far.

“I was born and raised in Sydney, and honestly, growing up I never even considered acting as a profession. With immigrant parents, I very much went through the ‘becoming a doctor’ pipeline, but writing short skits with friends in primary school kept me excited about creating. I began after school drama classes at the age of twelve, which landed me an agent when I turned fourteen. I was extremely fortunate enough to book a lead role in the ABC television series Mustangs FC on my third ever audition.”

What was the experience like filming this first season of Heartbreak High? Tell us some HH on set secrets…

"Jumping into a massive project like Heartbreak High right after a lockdown was so very nerve wracking. But after the first day of pre production, it felt like I had known the rest of the cast my whole life. It almost feels unfair to say that working on Heartbreak was my job, because for those couple of months, it really felt like I was just being paid to hang out with my best friends all day. Some oh set secrets… Hmm… I think some things are for me to know and for you to forever speculate.”

How did you land the part? What was the process like and where were you when you found out you had the role?

“This is always a funny question - throughout 2021 I was incredibly uninspired when it came to acting and I was actually in my first year of a fine arts degree when I auditioned for Sasha. I was avoiding auditions altogether just because life was just a bit overwhelming at the time, and it was the exact same when it came to auditioning for Heartbreak. But after passing on the audition, I heard from my agents a couple weeks later that I was still in the mix for the role and that they wanted me to do a zoom chemistry read. That came as a surprise. My housemate ended up having to convince me to take the ten minutes out of my day to read for the role. After I read with Chloe on zoom, a couple weeks after that, my agents emailed to ‘hop on a group call’ with them the next day. And I fully thought that I was going to get dropped because of my lack of communication, I did NOT expect to have landed the role. Of course I was overjoyed and celebrated with my housemates that night with an entire steamed barramundi.”

Are there any similarities between you and your character? Sasha is iconic.

“I feel like so many people tell me that I’m like Sasha and I don’t know if it’s a compliment or not!! I’ve really tried to take her confidence with me into my everyday life (and sometimes her very epic eye makeup). But I know that when I was sixteen, I also made everyone’s problems my own; tried to fix things that weren’t mine to fix.”

Definitely a compliment. Do you have a dream role for the future? 

“I would love to be in a period piece or a historical drama! I just want to wear a gown and flounce around in a ridiculous amount of layers!”

Who is on your bucket list of other actors/directors you’d like to work with?

“Um I’m obsessed with Sandra Oh. That would be so super cool if I got to work with her.”

Great choice. Who inspires you? 

“My friends! The people I surround myself with! Taking a step back from the acting world and seeing my friends thrive in their own artistic fields always incites me to do more/ learn more from their practices.”

Best piece of advice you’ve received so far?

“It’s not a race! Take your time and enjoy every moment.”

What are you watching right now? New or old… We’d love to know the kind of tv and film you’re into.

“I’ve weirdly not consumed any long form media in a hot minute. But a video that I come back to multiple times a week is this documentation of this fish tank from this YouTuber ‘Foo the Flowerhorn’, and it’s called The Last Episode (Teardown + the entire series in one video). I don’t know why I find so much comfort in this one YouTube video but it’s very calming to me.”

What’s on your playlist?

“A lootttttt of Laufey and Lizzy McAlpine (always).”

We love Lizzy. Are you reading anything currently?

“I just finished reading Jasper Jones! Excellent book, highly recommend.”

What’s something you’re passionate about aside from acting? 

“Geese paraphernalia! I am slowly but surely adding more to my collection of geese with ribbons around their necks. I have wall hangings, plushies and ceramic geese!”

What’s next?! We’re excited for your journey.

“I’m not sure what’s next for me! Hopefully a big ole sleep! I finished up on a theatre production in September which was such an incredible experience, but I’m super keen to explore more of Melbourne/ Naarm now that I’m living here!”

Photographer: KAI LAO
Digital Technician / Photographer Assistant: EMILY MABEL
Hair & Make-up: KIANA MEI


Gemma wear Kimhekim Jersey Long Dress, Our Legacy 70s Line Shirt Milky Quartz Pleat, Dr. Martins Platforms
Gemma wear Kimhekim Jersey Long Dress, Our Legacy 70s Line Shirt Milky Quartz Pleat, Dr. Martins Platforms
Gemma wears Our Legacy Whale Cotton Stripe Coat, J.Kim Petal Skirt, Woosin Cho Gradient Top
Gemma wears Our Legacy Whale Cotton Stripe Coat, J.Kim Petal Skirt, Woosin Cho Gradient Top
Gemma wears Liberal Youth Ministry Crystal Rain Dress, Woosin Cho Tube Top, Eytys Sneakers
Gemma wears Liberal Youth Ministry Crystal Rain Dress, Woosin Cho Tube Top, Eytys Sneakers 
Gemma wears Kimhekim Jersey Long Dress, Woosin Cho Tube Top, Plaid Skirt