Sam Quealy is the Australian living in Paris, writing music about sexual liberation and female empowerment. "I write my songs the way that I would choreograph a dance... there is a feeling in my head of what needs to come next… it's internal and therapeutic," she says. To celebrate her new single Big Cat, out today, we spoke to Sam about growing up in Sydney, moving to Paris and making high-powered music:
We love Big Cat! Tell us about creating this single and video.
"Thank you so much! I wrote the song with my collaborator and producer Marlon Magnee. I wanted to create a pussy power anthem and when i began writing - the lyrics and flow of the track happened really organically. The music video is shot on multiple 90s VHS cameras to give the impression of being watched by a mysterious on looker. We shot in an underground garage just outside of Paris. I wanted something kind of scary/ dangerous …but then for me to be powerful and in control of that setting. The clip is dynamic, dance charged and and tres sexy."
What were you thinking about? What did you go into the studio wanting to make?
"I wrote the song during a period i was feeling really down actually, It kind of became an affirmation.. Like telling me to pick my head up , clap back , get my shit together and be a bad bitch i knew that i was. Big cat is everything female.. and finding that strength in being female. Sexual liberation and courage to concur the world… all in 6 inch heels."
Did your upbringing in Australia shape your sound/vision?
"I was born in a beach town Cronulla in Sydney and grew up being really serious about dancing. I went to Newtown high school of the performing arts where i started also learning music and drama and met a lot of amazing young aspiring artists who definitely helped shaped who i am today. I loved growing up in Sydney, but i had really big ambitions and knew i needed to expand. I was contracted as a professional dancer in my first show in Hong Kong when i was like 19 and after that i continued working professionally as a dancer in various projects in the Philippines, on touring ships, In Los Angeles and then was led eventually to Paris."
When did you move to Paris? What do you love about it?
"I moved to Paris almost 3 years ago to work in traditional French Cabaret. I loved my life as a showgirl but i knew i needed to communicate more through my art and that's why i began making music. Paris is really an incredible city! The culture , the people, the nightlife scene and of course lets not even begin on the food and WINE! i kind of became obsessed with it here and never left."
Who inspires you musically?
"Madonna has been a huge inspiration for me but more in her work ethic. She seems like the type of woman who just doesn’t give a fuck and doesn’t give up! Which i respect a lot. I also grew up going to raves underage and listening to a lot of techno/hardstyle music so i have been influenced a lot by that kind of tacky repetitive punchy sound."
Who would you love to collaborate with? Other artists, producers, writer etc.
"Lana Del Rey."
If you could have one brand dress you for a tour, who would you love to work with?
"Wow such a hard question because i have so many favourites! I think Gaultier, Mugler and Gucci would all make iconic tour looks that match my show."
What is something (other than music) that you’re super passionate about?
"Dancing for me is like breathing air… so that will always be extremely close to my heart. I am in a vogue house here in Paris , so when I’m not working on music i love training with my house and going to the balls here.
What have you learnt about yourself on your journey so far?
"I wouldn’t say 'learnt' but I’m learning to not doubt myself, not fear the opinions of others and to just focus on myself and my work. This is a really important lesson. Its so easy to get caught up in a lot of superficial bullshit that we see projected through social media etc.. and i think as I’m getting older and even after cover I’m just caring less and less about the opinions of others and being my authentic freaky self >:)."
How are you celebrating the release of Big Cat?
"Wine, wine and more wine! I mean….. It’s Parie right?"
What’s next...
"My Ep and full album, some crazy visuals and working on my world tour, so keep an eye out."