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One of our most anticipated projects of 2022 has arrived. Phoebe Go is the artist we're anticipating huge things from - and they're already in motion. Phoebe Go is the solo project of Melbourne-based singer/songwriter Phoebe Lou (previously fronting Snakadaktal and Two People). Now, she's found her voice on the debut EP, Player. If there were to be an ultimate example of a no-skips project, it's this one. Phoebe's delicate voice softly dances over simple, guitar-led production, with those wistful, intricate lyrics that are all too relatable. We spoke to Phoebe about the release of Player and starting a new chapter in her career:

How are you feeling ahead of the release of player? We’re excited for you!

“it feels so good! and i’m not just saying that haha. i feel really proud of the work and the process and SO grateful for the folks who have helped me make it happen. it’s actually the first thing i’ve released without a record label. so that part took me a bit to figure out. honestly i’m just really excited to share it. sharing is caring. haha and yet in the back of my mind i’m like ah shit, the music video that i have to make in a week… wish me luck!!!!”

You’ve spent a decade in this industry and now is your solo moment. How different does it feel to be putting music out as Phoebe?

“yeah, it’s a really different feeling. it’s way more revealing which is freaky because there’s nobody to hide behind. but that also fuels me. it feels like coming home. as in, i’ve been writing folk music since i was like 10. so this is sort of as me as it gets. and i finally feel brave enough for that. so in a way the timing is kinda perfect. 

It feels like perfect timing for you for sure. What are some experiences you’re grateful for over the years that have helped inform your solo venture?

“it’s hard to pinpoint this stuff. but i think the most important thing for me has been realising that i don’t have to prove anything to anyone. this is what i do and i’m ok at it. and i can do it for myself and for the fans too, but there’s nothing to prove. how fun is that. it’s just about making one meaningful connection. and maybe one day, i’ll make another one. but i’m not counting and there’s no wrong or right. for me, even if i can connect with 1 person in an empty room, that’s where the value in this work is. all of the other shit is secondary.”

What have you learnt about yourself creating this EP?

“I’ve learned that i can go easy on myself and work hard at the same time.”

Your voice is so beautiful, we’ve had ‘hey’ on repeat. what was inspiring this EP as you were writing it?

“thank you! it’s nice you say that. sometimes i think about how i’m kinda stuck with it hahaha. isn’t that weird? anyway so much inspired this ep. the biggest thing for me was finding my confidence as a solo artist. like, that was knocking my door down but from the inside out. and i was curled up in the corner for a while. i was still really getting used to not having joey around who i’ve been writing with for years and years. life was throwing some big stuff at me. so i just poured it all into the songs.”

Your writing style is wonderful. Who are some songwriters who have influenced your style?

“my biggest influence is probably conor oberst, bright eyes. ‘i’m awake, it’s morning’ was the first album that really changed my life. you know people say that, but it actually does i think…”

Speaking of style, we love yours. Who inspires your style? Is there a brand or designer you’d love to wear on tour?

“thanks!!! god. i don’t know. i’ve always been a jeans person. and fabrics matter to me, like clothes have to feel good on my skin. my favourite looks are always a bit colourful and show who the person is in some way. like a small quirk or a detail that tells a story. i’ve always been so bad to shop with, you know, one of those people who just touches everything and then walks out with nothing. yeah i need some new clothes.”

Haha. Why ‘go’? :)

"this!! hahaha but seriously. i decided on phoebe go because it made me feel good and it lifted me up. it’s all about energy and fun and doing something brave and scary. and yeah i love space doco’s and i love passing go in monopoly (who doesn’t) so basically all signs were pointing to go :)”

How do you hope people feel after listening to this album? What do you hope they understand about you?

“I think i hope people can get in closer with themselves if anything. i try really hard write with honesty for that reason. you know that feeling when a song gets inside you and connects a few dots and you go oh, that’s me. it’s like, permission to feel something. i think that’s the magic in songwriting. that might sound weird but yeah, i just hope to carve out a bit of space where we can all go, oh yeah, we’re both human and we share something intangible and it’s happy and sad at the same time.”

What’s next? Where can we see you live? 

“come to my EP launch! In melbourne, in December. i haven’t announced it yet but my friends are playing too and it’s gonna be fun and old school and i think i’m finally gonna have some merch to sell! :D.”

Listen to Player HERE.
